1. Smile 2. Provide a shoulder to lean on 3. Pat someone on the back 4. Say Thank You 5. Give an unexpected KISS.. 6.
.. or a warm hug 7. Say, "U look wonderful", and mean it 8. Rub a tired back 9. Whistle when you are feeling
down 10. Send a Thank you card to an old teacher 11. Say "Good Morning" even if it isn't 12. Mail an unexpected
and caring letter to an old friend 13. Place a surprise phone call 14. Wash the dishes when it's not your turn 15.
Empty the trash when it's not your turn 16. Ignore an rude remark 17. Send an one minute love call 18. Start of someones
day with a joke or funny story 19. Make coffe at the office for your secretary, for example 20. Save the want ads for
a job hunter 21. Write an encouraging letter to the editor 22. Take grandma or grandpa to lunch 23. Send a thinking
of you card 24. Wave and smile at a parking enforcement officer 25. Pay your bills on time 26. Give your used clothes
to a needy person 27. Pass on sone good new's. Don't pass on the gossip 28. Say something nice to someone 29. Lend
a favourite book. Don't nag to get it 30. Return a friend's favourite book 31. Play catch with a kid 32. Help someone
figure out a solution instead of giving advice 33. Take a box of homemade cookies to work 34. Visit an elderly shut-in 35.
Laugh at a boring joke 36. Tell your partner that she is beautiful 37. Serve breakfast in bed and clean up afterward 38.
Clean the house for your Mom and Dad 39. Share a dream 40. Walk with your partner on a regular basis 41. Keep a confidence 42.
Try to understand a teenager. Try again and again. Suceed 43. Let someone ahead of your line 44. Catch someone "doing
it right" and say, "Great job" 45. Say please 46. Say yes when you'd rather say no 47. Explain patiently 48.
Tell the truth, but with kindness and tact. Ask, "Does the other person really need to hear this?" 49. Encourage
a sad person 50. Spread a little joy 51. Do a kind deed anonymously 52. Share your umbrella 53. Leave a funny
card under a windshield wiper 54. Tape a love note to the refrigerator 55. Give someone a flower from your garden 56.
Share a beautiful sunset with someone you LOVE 57. Say, "I love you" first. Say it often 58. Share a funny
story with someone whose spirits are dragging 59. Free yourself of envy and malice 60. Encourage some youth to do her
best 61. Share an experience and offer hopefullness 62. Find the time. Yes, you can. It involves making new choices 63.
Think things through 64. Listen 65. Examine your damands on others 66. Lighten up. Find the funny side of a situation 67.
Take a quiet walk when you feel like blowing your top 68. Be a friend 69. Be optimistic 70. Express your gratitude 71.
Read something uplifting for someone 72. Do what you value and value what you do 73. If you see litter on the sidewalk,
pick it up instead of walking over it 74. Be genuine 75. Walk tall 76. Never miss an opportunity to be affectionate
to your loved ones 77. Invite a loved one to snuggle and lie on the grass on a summer's night while you look at the stars 78.
Look for something beautiful in one person everyday 79. Take someone on a suprise outing 80. Ask a friend for help,
even when you don't need it 81. Be quiet in a library 82. Help someone change a tire 83. Tell a bedtime story, to
a little one or ask the little one to tell you a story 84. Share your vitamin C 85. Give a blanket to a homeless person 86.
Mail someone a poem 87. Leave your letter-carrier a little gift 88. Point out the beauty and wonder of nature to those
you love 89. Allow someone a mistake 90. Allow yourself several mistakes 91. Take someone to the circus 92. Use
just one parking space 93. Consider a different point of view 94. Let your partner win at golf 95. Forgive an old
grudge 96. Talk with an lonely child 97. Laugh at an old joke 98. Take the kids to the park 99. Be the eyes and
ears for your friends 100. Buy the wine your partner likes 101. Let go of the urge to the critical of someone.